Mother, mother


Necessity is the mother of invention.


Take a 3D virtual tour of The Soul of Philanthropy, and see what’s going on

Greek philosopher Plato acknowledged how creativity and ingenuity get sparked by a need or problem.

Thirteen years ago, when I wanted to see stories of Black philanthropy elevated and celebrated, the idea for Giving Back was conceived.  Four years after the book was published, an exhibit was created to reach more people in new and deeper ways.

Now, this mutha of a pandemic and period of social distancing have given rise to more ingenuity!  Take a sneak peek at the latest innovation and newest dimension to the Giving Back Project, our 3D virtual gallery for pop-up, abridged exhibitions of The Soul of Philanthropy.

Just as with the standard exhibit, your organization can host and present a 3D Virtual Pop-Up Exhibition to celebrate and inspire giving. WATCH and take a gallery tour, with me as your docent.

Come to see philanthropy differently, with a specially curated, immersive experience that you and your stakeholders can tour, engage with, and learn from.

The Act of Adapting

OnQ Adaptation

ad·ap·ta·tion | adapˈtāSH(ə)n/

a movie, television drama, or stage play that has been adapted from a written work, typically a novel. the act of adapting.

Adaptation is the theme for Season 7 of On Q Performing Arts, Inc., which opens this month!

OnQ SpunkThe three main shows of the season were adapted from literature. Opening the season is Spunk, based on three stories by the incomparable Zora Neale Hurston adapted by George C. Wolfe. Wolfe won a 1989 Obie award for best off-Broadway director for Spunk.

Other productions during Season 7 include The Children of Children Keep Coming, Soulful Noel and The Bluest Eye.

Save by subscribing to the entire season of OnQ productions for only $75. Click here to buy your tickets!